In one month, myself, other founders of the Megan Lally Memorial Fund and some friends are running the Ragnar Reach the Beach relay race. Together, we will run 203 miles in relay fashion from Bretton Woods Ski area to Hampton Beach and we’re using this as an opportunity to raise money for breast cancer research in honor of Megan Lally, my first wife.
It’s been nearly five years since Megan passed away of this horrible disease. While it was definitely not always easy, I’ve managed to climb, crawl and stumble back to a good place from some dark days – where the hole left in me by her passing was all-consuming. There was real work involved to get here, but I’m happy again, happily in-love and remarried, and living a wonderful life with my amazing and smart and beautiful wife, Cat. I went from merely surviving life to thriving in it!
But there’s still much work to be done and that’s why I’m taking part in this relay. I want to work for a time when special people in our lives no longer have to battle against this awful disease. I want to work for a time when friends and family and other loved ones no longer lose those special people from their lives. There will be times in the training and running of this race where I may want to give up or stop working – but Megan and so many others were always fighting until the end, and we need to continue fighting, too.
I’m running for Cat and my family and Cat’s family and Megan’s family and all of you and your families and our futures – so that one day we can see a world without this senseless loss. Would you contribute $10? $20? $100? and help us work towards that future?
All money raised is joining the over $60,000 we’ve already raised and donated for breast cancer research at UMass Memorial Cancer Centre of Excellence and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Thank you for your support!